Board Election Nominations - We Need You!
We are looking for enthusiastic people who are engaged with the Club and have time available to become NZAC board members. Nominees need to have the time to commit to Board meetings and be willing to contribute their experiences to Board decision making. Having an authentic interest in governance of the Club and ideally some governance experience would be useful, but this is also a great environment to learn alongside experienced people. You should be willing to work collaboratively and bring other skills such as risk management, financial literacy, outdoor industry experience and/ or who have a passion for climbing in any or all of its forms. The most important thing we need is people who represent the diverse voice of our Club membership. Even if you think you don't quite have the experience required, we encourage you to stand - the strength of the Board relies on the diversity of its members.

For all the information on the Board responsibilities and to complete a nomination form click here. Nominations are to be returned to us by 19th June 2023.
If you would like to discuss these positions further, please contact NZAC President, Clare Kearney ([email protected]).