
In September of 2018, the Club underwent a governance change. The membership voted to adopt a Board rather than the Club Committee structure which previously governed the Club.

In October 2019, the first elected Board of the Club took office.

The current Board consists of the following members:

President - Jim Petersen

Immediate Past President - Clare Kearney

President Elect - vacant until next election

Ordinary Board Member – Don Bogie

Ordinary Board Member – Ross Cullen

Ordinary Board Member – Lisa Donning

Ordinary Board Member – Myles Perry

Section Council Delegate – Neil Hamilton


The following position(s) is open in 2024

  • President x 1
  1. We are looking for an enthusiastic person who is engaged with the Club and have time available to become NZAC President. Nominees need to have the time to commit to Board meetings and be willing to contribute their experiences to Board decision making. Having an authentic interest in governance of the Club and ideally some governance experience would be useful, but this is also a great environment to learn alongside experienced people. You should be willing to work collaboratively and bring other skills such as risk management, financial literacy, outdoor industry experience and/ or who have a passion for climbing in any or all of its forms. The most important thing we need is people who represent the diverse voice of our Club membership. Even if you think you don't quite have the experience required, we encourage you to stand.

If you would like to discuss this position further, please contact NZAC President, Jim Petersen ([email protected]). 

Otherwise complete the nomination form and return it no later than 18 June 2024.

Election timeline

Election advised to members via email and social media. Nominations open with this announcement.28 May
Nominations close (3 weeks, as per rules)18 June
Preparation of candidate profiles (FAQ's, profile and picture for website19 June – 27 June

Notification of candidates to membership (email & social media)

Notification of voting method to members. Voting commences with notification.

27 June
Voting closes18 July
Announce successful candidate22 July
President Elect takes office1 October

Board Responsibilities

On behalf of the key stakeholders, the Board of the New Zealand Alpine Club (NZAC) is responsible for the stewardship and future well-being of the organisation. Board members exercise leadership, enterprise, integrity and judgement in directing the NZAC to provide assurance of its continuing and lasting capacity to support and provide leadership in New Zealand climbing.

In discharging their responsibilities directors have a duty to act in the best interests of the NZAC as a whole, irrespective of personal, professional, commercial or other interests, loyalties or affiliations. Board members first duty and loyalty must be to the legal entity.

In summary the NZAC Board:

  1. Provides governance and stewardship, ensuring continuing capacity to deliver services in the best interests of NZAC and its stakeholders.
  2. Is active in ensuring an appropriate mix of members whether through interaction with key stakeholders resulting in the election of appropriately skilled personnel or through the appointment of such individuals as permitted by NZAC rules.
  3. Promotes the NZAC purpose, establishes NZAC values and sets the strategic direction as the basis for annual and longer-term planning.
  4. Determines the appropriate culture for NZAC and models’ behaviours that reflect and promote the desired culture.
  5. Establishes governance policies providing the framework for the management of NZAC e.g. financial, human resource, asset management policies.
  6. Ensures that internal processes and procedures are designed to provide effective controls and serve as the basis for reporting to the board as required.
  7. Employs the General Manager and monitors management and organisation performance against board-established criteria.
  8. Identifies and monitors the management of organisational risks.
  9. Ensures that the organisation complies with all internal and externally imposed compliance requirements.
  10. Establishes and maintains effective relationships with stakeholders and allied organisations.

Download Board Member competencies here

Download full responsibilities here.

If you would like more information regarding the governance of a sporting organisation, Sport New Zealand has published excellent reference material here

Candidate form

For more information on being on the Board please contact the President, Jim Petersen ([email protected]). For any questions on the process of the election please contact Karen Leacock, the General Manager ([email protected]).

Download the Nomination for President form HERE

Download the Nomination for Board Member form HERE