Grants, Funds and Awards

Expedition Fund

About the Expedition Fund

The New Zealand Alpine Club has a proud heritage of expedition climbing across the world's mountain ranges. The NZAC Expedition Fund exists to support continuation of this tradition. NZAC members planning an overseas trip with defined and significant climbing objectives can apply for a grant from the Fund. See a list of current and past recipients, plus Expedition Reports.

DOW Hall Publications Fund

On the 10th March 1975, Wanda Alice Margaret Hall (1912 – 2005), the widow of the late David Oswald William Hall (1909 -1971), set aside $2000 via a trust deed to ‘provide financial assistance for the publication of alpine literature’. The first recipient of this fund was Hugh Wilson, towards the publication of Field Guide; Wild Plants of Mount Cook National Park in 1978.

Since then, the DOW Hall Fund has helped support the publication of many other books. The fund is replenished with donations from those who wish to encourage others with a passion for our mountain environment to record their knowledge and experiences in print.

Click here to read more about the DOW Hall Publications Fund and apply for a grant.

Bolting Fund Grant Application

The New Zealand Alpine Club supports the development of climbing in New Zealand, maintenance of climbing areas in New Zealand, and access to New Zealand’s climbing areas.

Click here to read more about the Bolting Fund and apply for a grant.

Bill Denz Award

An award for NZAC members who have shown the Denz spirit.  Click here to read more about Denz, the award and how to nominate.


2023 Ruari Macfarlane - Darran Mountain Traverse