Expedition Fund

Donate to the fund

The Expedition Fund is financed directly from donations from Members and not from core subscriptions. It derives some income from a generous bequest from John Nankervis, who was an active supporter of the Fund and a prolific expedition climber from the 1970s to 2010s. Additionally Cactus Outdoor is a proud supporter of this fund via an annual donation. When paying their subscription Members can make donations to the Fund, or at any time through the online store: donate to the Expedition Fund.

Applying for a Grant

Please use our Expedition Fund application form (click here) when applying for a grant. Completed application forms are to be sent to [email protected].

The Expedition Fund Committee considers applications twice a year – applications must be submitted by either 31 January or 31 July. Applications received outside these times will not be considered. Grants cannot be made to expeditions that have already left the country.

Eligibility for Support

The Fund supports overseas expeditions with defined and significant climbing or mountaineering objectives. Trekking trips with climbs of minor peaks or informal trips without defined objectives do not usually qualify, nor do rock climbing trips to well-known and accessible venues. Grants are only made to Club members, but individual members may apply if joining an overseas-led expedition.

Applications are expected to meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • First ascent of a peak or route
  • Climbing and mountaineering that explores new areas
  • Major climbs of international significance (e.g. cutting-edge routes in better style)
  • First expedition (especially if under 30 years old or from under-represented demographic)
  • Section expedition (must also have Section financial support)

Conditions of Grants

These vary but will always include the following:

  • Agreement to supply an article with photographs for the next edition of the NZ Alpine Journal, and a short summary for the club website.
  • Agreement to give a lecture to your local Section and, on an expense reimbursement basis, to any other Sections of the Club which may request a talk.
  • Agreement to acknowledge the NZAC Expedition Fund along with any other sponsor acknowledgments in lectures and articles

Support for Other Funding

Even if the Club cannot provide funding it may be able to give useful support for your application for funding from government and private organisations. The Mount Everest Foundation welcomes applications from New Zealand climbing expeditions and has made grants to a number of these over the last few years.

Researching Expedition Objectives

The Club library is an invaluable resource for inspiration and research on expedition objectives. As well as an extensive collection of books, it contains sets of New Zealand and international mountaineering journals which include accounts of past expeditions. Many of these journals also have online archives. Where applicable, the NZAC may be able to help make contact with  climbers (in New Zealand and overseas) who have visited particular venues before. 


The Club is not in the business of hiring or maintaining great stashes of gear. Club members have access to discounts on equipment purchases from a range of suppliers. Some expeditions have negotiated equipment sponsorship arrangements with manufacturers and distributors.