Access and Advocacy
NZAC in partnership with Aotearoa Climbing Access Trust (ACAT) aims to establish and maintain positive and sustainable relationships between landowners, route developers, climbers and other land users to ensure ongoing access to rock climbing in New Zealand. Through our ACAT partnership, framework and supporting documentation, NZAC aims to inform all stakeholders of their role in relation to rock climbing access, encourage them to manage their impact on each other and to ensure minimal environmental impact and the highest level of safety.
Rock Climbing Information
NZAC 1. Rock Climbing Access Framework_Dec 2017
The following documents should be read in tandem with the above:
NZAC 2. Landowner Guidelines_Dec 2017
NZAC 3. Bolting Standards_Dec 2017
NZAC 4. Code of Conduct for Rock Climbers Dec 2017
Ski Touring Information
Backcountry Touring Access Guidelines
Mountain Safety Council - Backcountry Snowsports
Walking Access Maps - for public access information
Climate Advocacy
NZAC has partnered with EAS to produce a climbing trip emissions calculator tool. This tool enables climbers to compare different options for their trip in order to see the emissions they would produce, dependent on how they travel, where they stay, what they eat etc. For background on this and an explanatory article, see here.