Board Member Election Nominations 2021
Would you, or someone you know, like to guide the New Zealand Alpine Club into the future, as a member of the Club’s Board?
This year we are holding an election for the four Board members whose term comes to an end in September and are looking for skilled leaders, with a passion for the Club, to stand for election for the next two-year period. Although the current Board members are entitled to nominate for re-election, the Board is aware that at least one member does not intend to stand, and we would encourage nominations from any Club member who has the interest and experience to contribute to the success of NZAC.

In general terms, the Board of the New Zealand Alpine Club is responsible for the stewardship and future well-being of the organisation and Board members are expected to exercise leadership, enterprise, integrity and judgement in directing the NZAC to provide assurance of its enduring capacity to support and provide leadership in New Zealand climbing.
The Club’s website https://alpineclub.org.nz/board contains more detailed information on the role of a New Zealand Alpine Club Board member, the timetable for the election process, and a link to the Candidate Nomination Form which must be completed and returned to the General Manager no later than 5pm, 20 June 2021.
Nick Cowie
General Manager