Privacy Policy

The New Zealand Alpine Club (NZAC) is bound by New Zealand legislation, including the Privacy Act 1993 (Act) and the 12 Privacy Principles contained therein. This policy outlines NZAC’s commitment to protecting the privacy of its members in accordance with this Act.

The information we collect

Personal information is information about identifiable, living people. As part of our membership process NZAC will collect personal information about you including but not limited to your name, age, gender, address and contact details. If you choose to participate in trips, events or courses, we may also need to collect personal information about any medical or other relevant condition you may have and your level of experience in certain activities. 

How we collect your information

We usually collect information directly from you at the time of joining, or before trips, events and courses. This will happen either electronically via email or website form, over the phone, on paper or in person. We may also collect information via surveys or questionnaires from time to time.

Use and disclosure of personal information

NZAC only collects and retains personal information that is reasonably necessary in order to successfully run the organisation. NZAC uses this information only for the intended purpose(s), which will be either stated or can be reasonably inferred at the time of collection (including for the purpose of providing services and benefit to members). Any information that NZAC collects will not be kept for longer than is reasonable for the purpose(s) for which it was collected.

Who can access personal information

Information collected by NZAC will not be distributed or sold to third parties without your express prior consent. The information will be used by staff at the Home of Mountaineering in their administrative and Club management functions, and will be available to the committee of the member’s Section, in order for them to carry out functions particular to the running of the Club or that Section. This includes but is not limited to the distribution of newsletters, information of interest to Club members, and contacting new or returning members to welcome them. All NZAC staff and Section committee members agree to respect and adhere to confidentiality of all personal information held by NZAC.

Personal information security

NZAC will ensure that reasonable safeguards are in place to prevent loss, misuse or disclosure of personal information. 

Accessing and correcting information

You have the right under the Act to access any personal information that we hold about you, and to change or correct information as is needed. Individuals will need to contact the NZAC General Manager to access, change or correct personal information. Access will be provided where that is permitted under the Act. If access is declined, NZAC will provide reasons for its decision.


If you would like more information about how we manage your personal information, or you have a complaint about this management, please contact the General Manager NZAC on [email protected]

We will endeavour to respond quickly to your query or complaint. If you are not satisfied with how the complaint was handled, you can refer your complaint or query to the Privacy Commissioner at or 0800 803 909.

For further information about privacy issues and protecting your privacy visit the Privacy

Commissioner website at