Inaugural Auckland Mature Mountaineers Meeting
New Zealand Alpine Club Auckland Section invites you to attend the inaugural meeting of Auckland Mature Mountaineers, enjoy camaraderie with fellow mountaineers, and listen to the presentation by Ross Cullen on ‘Climbs in the Ōhau region’. Ross is Tūpiki Trust chair, was NZAC President 1991-93 and edited the first two editions of Barron Saddle – Mt Brewster guidebook. He has climbed widely in the region and his presentation will provide a look back at many climbs completed in the area during 1980-2020. We hope that you can attend the event, the first of a continuing series of Mature Mountaineers meetings in Auckland. In Christchurch Mature Mountaineers from across Canterbury have been meeting for 20 years. On a quarterly basis a group of 30-50 members get together to renew friendships and continue their involvement with the NZAC. One of the aims of the Tupiki Trust is to facilitate these events across the major centres to benefit past and present club members. Please share this invitation with others who you know will be interested attending the event. There is plenty of free parking at the Epsom Community Centre, accessed off Gillies Avenue and Kimberly Road.

For more event information go to the Auckland Climber Website