The Climber #108
NZAC's The Climber magazine was published quarterly from 1992–2020 and supplied to members in print form and then digital only for the last few issues. We post the occasional article here on the website as part of the Throwback Thursday series, but it is our intention to slowly build up a complete archive of the historical issues, as exists for the New Zealand Alpine Journal. For those missing The Climber, or if you just missed the issue the first time around, we've now made it available. It is not the same as print, of course, but sufficient for reference or reminiscing.

Do you remember the winter of 2019? That amazing, carefree time before the pandemic—when food was half the price, mortgage rates were half the interest and the routes on the Rage Wall at Lyttleton Rock had half as many bolts? During that winter, The Climber issue 108 came out. You can access issue #108 here. This issue features action from the rarely-visited Balfour Glacier, a story of success on a lifetime project, a profile on the Fyfe River Gorge and Derek Cheng going Free Solo. Enjoy!