ClimbNZ Upgrade Now Live !Prizes!
ClimbNZ.org.nz is now live in its upgraded form. Take a look around and try out the new finder for quickly accessing routes of a certain type/grade/location. Use the mode switch to navigate between 'Rock' and 'Alpine' modes, depending on what type of climbing you are looking for. If in doubt, anything with an approach to speak of is likely in 'Alpine': mountaineering routes, ice and mixed climbs, alpine rock routes. If it is rock climbing and you can drive to it, it is most likely under 'Rock'.
We have prizes to give away. Explore the new site and answer these three questions:
1. Name the grade 23 sport route with 11 bolts at Highside, Wānaka.
2. What grade is the alpine rock route on Mt Euclid in the Paparoa Range?
3. How many grade IV (committment) alpine routes are there in the Kirikirikatata Mt Cook Range of the Aoraki Tai Poutini area?
Send your answers to [email protected] before 9am Monday 9th October to be in the draw for a prize.
And remember, ClimbNZ is home to community-sourced information. If you find something that needs updating, log in/make an account and dive in!
If you are interested in being an Editor and overseeing user-contributed changes to the information for a particular area, please get in touch with [email protected].

ClimbNZ.org.nz was launched in 2010 as an online repository for New Zealand climbing information. Guidebook and community-sourced information has been added over the years and it is now home to over 12,800 routes across mountains and crags.
An essential upgrade to a newer version of the Drupal platform necessitated some investment in development work from NZAC, with a mind to also making the site more mobile-friendly. The club made the decision to redesign the site and add some new features at the same time. Funding for this work was generously supported by Tūpiki Trust.
That development work is now at a point where we can re-launch the site in its new form. There is still a further stage of development planned, to add some more new features, but we're excited to show the work done so far.
Visit the site now to see the new version and add your latest routes for everyone to see. We're also grateful to the Wānaka Climbing Club for supporting ClimbNZ and agreeing to add their local climbing information. This will appear in the new version of the site alongside route climbing information for Whanganui Bay for the first time.
Out of interest do we protect the data from our rival sites like thecrag? Why make it easy for them esp in areas like Wanaka.
The majority of ClimbNZ information is under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike licence. This means other online sites are able to use it for non-commercial purposes. This is not the case for all the information, areas such as Wānaka are copyright Wānaka Climbing Club.
More information here.
Except where otherwise stated, you can use the information on climbnz for non commercial purposes - so please let us know if you notice information being copied onto .com sites etc