NZAJ - Call For Your Stories And Pictures
We're well into the production period for the 2024 spring New Zealand Alpine Journal. As always, we welcome contributions from the climbing and wider mountain community.

In the past, the NZAJ has had fairly restrictive criteria for inclusion. It tended to be restricted to stories of first ascents, significant repeats of climbs, overseas expeditions, or alpine-related historical or scientific articles. These days, we're a little less success-driven and open to well-written stories of adventures of all kinds—if you've had an adventure, then you've succeeded in some way and probably have a story worth telling. Note that our adventure criteria is less restrictive than Conrad Anker's, 'You haven't had an adventure unless you ran out of food'. But we'll accept those stories too.
Written contributions are usually between 1000–3000 words, but this can be varied dependent on the subject matter and artistic licence is generally tolerated.
Likewise, we always aim for a visual variety in the Journal and accept not just mountain/climbing photographs, but paintings, drawings, photos and images of all types that illustrate the world of outdoor adventure we enjoy.
If you've never contributed to the Journal before, make this the issue you do! This is the best way to ensure that this long-running record of the New Zealand climbing community accurately reflects the climbers of today.
Send your contributions or questions about contributing to: [email protected]