Leaving Intentions While Climbing Around Homer Tunnel
SH94 Milford Rd, Homer Saddle to Mt Moir, Fiordland.
2023 Rock Inspections and Light Scaling Works.
Milford Road Alliance, with assistance from professional rope access subcontractors, will soon carry out slope inspections/mapping, light scaling and installation of monitoring systems in the Moir’s Mate area. This work will improve rockfall risk management for the highway below, assist with better site knowledge and is based on recommendations from specialists with skills and experience in geohazard management.
This work will be carried out during fine weather spells to allow safe access to these slopes. We envisage up to 5 days of onsite works from 16th October through to 8th December 2023.
Up to 2 days of rock scaling will likely occur during this works period. We will undertake close management to ensure the safety of all park users in the area - from tourist traffic at road level, to climbers enjoying the Darran Mountains near our scaling operations. With the risk of scaling hazards interacting with climbers in the area we are proposing the following steps to minimise disruption to park users and our operations.

- Climbers and other park users, please write your route intentions with either option:
- In the Homer Hut book and confirm your plans with the Homer Hut warden.
- With the Dept of Conservation in Te Anau (DOC).
- On the whiteboard located on the Visible Message Sign trailer at the carpark near the East Portal of the Homer Tunnel (see images below).

This is critical. Please leave your intentions on arrival and before heading out on your climbing / hiking mission. Your safety is important. We want to work with you, so please communicate your plans so we can limit the interaction and threat of rockfall from our scaling operations.
- Milford Road Alliance staff will check in daily with DOC Te Anau, Homer Hut warden and guests on evenings the night before scaling operations are scheduled. This will be between the hours of 4 to 5pm. We will check the intentions book, talk to the hut warden and any guests at the hut to gauge plans for all groups the next day.
- Milford Road Alliance staff will check in again on the morning of scheduled scaling days to confirm guest plans. Expect this visit at 8:15am.
- The map below shows the area east of the divide we will be inspecting, mapping and light scaling in. East facing slopes are directly above the Homer Tunnel Slabs climbing area and above the approach to the Homer Saddle & Mātuitui – Homer Tunnel Bluffs. Scaling cannot occur east of the divide while climbers are on or below these climbing areas. Coordination and planning will be required to keep this side of the divide clear to allow works to proceed while maintaining access to climbing on the west side of the divide.
- Short duration scaling can occur within the hours 9:00am and 4:30pm. We will manage road traffic safety through Temporary Traffic Management procedures. Department of Conservation are also aware of this work.
- Milford Road Alliance will undertake camera sweeps of slopes to try and identify any climbers who we are not aware of in these areas. Please remember to clearly state your intentions with Te Anau Dept of Conservation (DOC) visitor centre or the Homer Hut warden or in the route intentions book located in the main room at Homer Hut or on the whiteboard at the Visible Message Sign at the carpark before the Homer Tunnel East Portal.
Please call or email the Milford Road Alliance for more information: phone (03) 249 7004 or email [email protected]
Department of Conservation: phone (03) 249 7924 for the visitor centre.