Bon Voyage Video Online

There are a lot of climbing related videos on YouTube. It seems like everyone who has been through the process of discovering climbing and sending their first V4 in a boulder gym now has a 'this is how I did it' advice channel, including training videos and diet tips. Of course, many legitimate professional climbers and industry experts also produce YouTube content, some of which is worth watching. One of the better videos out there is a recent post on Adam Ondra's own channel, documenting his process of trying and succeeding on Bon Voyage (E12/9a), as reported here. The route is newsworthy as potentially the hardest single-pitch traditionally protected climb in the world, but it is also an aesthetic route and this video really takes the viewer along on Ondra's process of trying the climb and showing how he approaches it.

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The video also helps convey the lesson that a wise climber once observed to me, that one of the best parts about climbing is that everyone is more or less having the same experience when trying a climb that is hard for them, whether they are going for their first indoor V4, or warming up on trad 30/8a+ as Ondra does.

A recommended watch.