Charlie Creese is an enigmatic figure for those of us who started climbing after the year 2000. When I first started bouldering, the hardest climb in New Zealand was probably still Check Your Head AKA 'The Scoop' (V10) at Baring Head. Though Castle Hill might have had a few rivals by then. Regardless, this boulder problem was just a few metres away from A Show Of Strength, a legendary boulder by Charlie Creese. This boulder was first climbed in 1981 and is famously New Zealand's first V8. Were there even V6s in 1981 yopu might ask? Well, no, because nobody used the V-scale for another ten years.
By this point I was completely wrecked. I was four days on and with the weather packing in soon, it wasn’t looking good. Still, I had some hope, as I had had some promising attempts on The Anarchy Project just a few days before...