Installation of Beetham Hut
Last week the long-awaited installation of the new Beetham Hut began. The hut was airlifted from Aoraki Mt Cook Village on Wednesday morning to rest on the foundations installed last year. While the foundations were put in last autumn, unfortunately Covid-related restrictions kicked in before the hut could be flown in and put in place. Things have now finally aligned for that work to happen.
Coverage of this story has been picked up by national media, you might have even seen it on the Channel Three news last night. See the Newshub story here.

This is a great achievement for the club as it has been some time since a new hut and for climbers this facility fills a gap left by the destruction of the old Beetham Hut and disintegration of De la Beche Hut. A big thanks and congratulations to all those volunteers involved with this long project and especially Johnny McFarlane as project manager.
NZAc would also like to acknowledge the significant financial support for this project through grants from the Backcountry Trust, Mid South Canterbury Trust, Meridian and a grant from Sustainable Summits.