Climber at Froggatt Edge

Aotearoa Climbing Access Trust Update

Kia ora koutou e hoa

In December last year I was pleased to announce the work being done to establish the Aotearoa Climbing Access Trust, and the great outcome achieved in regard to the sale of Froggatt Edge. An update on our progress over the past couple of months is below.

Aotearoa Climbing Access Trust

Our aim is to establish an independent charitable trust that will focus on enhancing access to rock climbing areas around New Zealand. The Trust will employ an Access Trust Manager to take a proactive approach to access issues, and improve coordination within the climbing community regarding landowner relationships, crag maintenance and safety.

Many thanks to NZAC, which has committed significant seed funding to get the Trust up and running in the first three years, by which time it should be fully sustained by supporters within the climbing community and other sources of income.

We are in the process of finalising the Trust Deed and initial Trustees, and will be applying for incorporation and charitable status in the coming weeks.

We are still seeking an accountant to help us set up our financial systems in the best way. If you are, or know, an accountant that may be willing to do some pro bono work for the Trust, please get in touch.

Froggatt Edge Access Agreement

Belay image

The Froggatt Edge farm went to auction on 17 December 2020 and was sold to new owners, a Waikato farming family with strong links to the climbing community.

The purchasers will be taking possession of the farm in late March, and we have an agreement with them that ensures continued access for climbers after that time. Please continue to be respectful and responsible when visiting the crag.

Our agreement also provides the Access Trust with a right to register a legal easement over the crag area, that will ensure perpetual access and management of the crag by the Access Trust – even if the farm is later sold. The purchasers and the Access Trust share a vision of ecological restoration around the crag.

In order to ensure a good relationship and beneficial outcomes for both the climbing community and the new landowners, we agreed to make a financial contribution to secure this access agreement.

For the Access Trust to make this contribution we are currently working to develop the legal and IT infrastructure for a fundraising campaign. This infrastructure will enable us to:

  • Provide an online donation platform;

  • Avoid fees incurred by platforms like Kickstarter (usually 5%); and

  • Provide donation receipts so donors can claim a tax credit.

We will keep you posted on our progress in the coming weeks. Thank you for all of your support and interest so far, it has been incredible. If you wish to get in touch please contact me at [email protected].

Ngā mihi

Edwin Sheppard

Project Lead – ACAT Development