Cédric Lachat and Nina Caprez on Wogü

Last year, Swiss climber Cédric Lachat became the fourth person to successfully climb Wogü, one of the world's hardest multipitch climbs. A film documenting his ascent has now been released and is available here. It's worth a watch not simply because of the great detail of the climbing it shows, but it also explores the intense partnership between Lachat and his climbing partner Nina Caprez, both unique characters in the elite climbing scene. It also conveys the difficulty of filming a ten-pitch alpine rock climb and the enormous effort behind the stunning shots we get to enjoy.

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Wogü (with pitches of 8c, 8a, 8b+, 8b+, 8b+, 8a+ and 7c+) was established by living legend Beat Kammerlander in 1997 on the Swiss Rätikon (often referred to as the poor man's Mt Owen), but not freed successfully until Adam Ondra's ascent in 2008. The only other repetitions have come from Edu Marin and Roland Hemetzberger (of Nebuchadnezzar fame). Nina Caprez shows great progress on the route during the film also, so hopefully we will hear news of her successful ascent in the future. After a few weeks of work, Lachat climbed the route in one day, climbing all of the pitches first try and needing just four hours to get to the top.